Behavioral Health Clinical Track
The Advanced Certification in Prenatal and Perinatal Wellness and Health Promotion provides rigorous, evidence-based data and approaches for the sophisticated learner. We are currently working on 12 modules that will integrate Averse Babyhood Experiences, Behavioral Health Science, Trauma-Informed Approaches with the Science of the Stress and Threat Responses that include basic Practitioner Skills, and Fetal Brain Development Research.
Practitioner Track
We offer practitioner training for
- Prevention and Healing of Birth Trauma: The Integrated Prenatal and Perinatal Dynamics program
- Pediatric Bodywork
- Early Family Somatics
- Advanced Bodywork in Prenatal and Perinatal Somatics
Assistant Track
We provide training for graduates of our programs to assist in the program they studied. We currently have assistant training for the Integrated Prenatal and Perinatal Dynamics course. This one course prepares graduates to assist, with skills of presence, tracking, conflict resolution, integration and more. Our lead assistants help train. Currently these professionals are:
Provider Track
Assistants who have assisted our full training can now be providers of the work for students. Eventually, our students will be required to complete a certain number of sessions to graduate. Currently, Heather Zivkovich, Vanessa Worthington, Ahara Vatter and Rachel Smith are our providers and no requirement is in place. This will change in the coming years.
Faculty Track
Assistants will be mentored into teaching roles as they feel led. We are interested in creating teachers so that the work can live on in different circles. Handbooks and manuals are being completed. This training is ideal for small groups where teachers can be assisted by 2 people, and then the small teams can take learners deeper. We will be supporting teachers with training of trainers as we grow. Currently, we have three teachers in training. Our lead assistants will be our first trainers, and our model is growing quickly. Requirements for becoming a teacher include assisting a training twice, five years of practice and helping to train other assistants. Assistants and teachers are expected to uphold ethics and be models of the work, continue to do their own personal work, create peer supervision circles, and continue to get supervision to deepen their own capacity to be with the stress and threat responses that come up in the work we do. Assistants in the faculty track will be fluent in transference, countertransference, resistance and boundary setting elements of the work, and they will be expected to self-reflect, know how to make repair, and show up for conflicts when they arise.